Miles is a programmer, grower, and artist living in Brooklyn, New York. They most enjoy graphics (computer or otherwise), growing things, embroidery, and art and social criticism.
Miles graduated from Columbia University in 2017 with a degree in Computer Science, focused on vision and graphics.
Miles currently works at Vidcode. Contact them for web development, garden carpentry, and embroidery.
General inquiries and commissions? email
Professional networking? linkedIn
Web development (HTML/CSS/JavaScript, Python/Flask/SQL backend) and software development (Qt/Swift/C++) with Lightwell, an education-technology and creative software startup in New York City.

Web development (HTML/CSS/JavaScript, Node/Express/MongoDb backend) with Vidcode, an education-technology startup dedicated to making programming more accessible to nontraditional coding students.

ACAB Tapestry - an ongoing exploration of texture and color on simple scaffolding
cotton and synthetic thread on denim, glass and plastic beads
design & embroidery - Miles

Two Hands - a study in beading and light
cotton thread on denim, glass and plastic beads
design & embroidery - Miles

Indigenous - images of flowers and their arabic names over a map of historic Palestine, their indigenous home
cotton thread on denim
design & embroidery - Miles

Other works
various materials

A strong believer in urban gardening and farming, Miles was thrilled to add carpentry to their skill set (courtesy of the excellent instructors at the MayDay space). Raised garden beds allow for safe produce farming in areas like NYC, where heavy metals in the soil are a concern, and make farming more ergonomic and accessible. They are also suitable to small spaces, even tiny spaces like a concrete patio. Each of the following projects was designed by Miles and completed on location in the summer of 2020.

Large L-shaped raised garden bed, shortly after completion
design - Miles, construction - Miles and Lis

"Miles & Lis built me a beautiful raised garden bed; and I can’t wait to start growing food in it. They bring a passion to their work, and it shows. Precision, efficiency and a real joy in doing this ‘labor of love’. They first came to my home/yard for a consultation, listened to what I had in mind, my preferences, and then combined that with the size & layout of my yard to propose some ideas they thought would work best. Then they took care of ordering the supplies, having them delivered, and returned to do the actual build, which took just a few hours. I could not be happier with the result. PLUS they are incredibly nice, smart people. All in all, a real pleasure to work with." - Kim

Table-style raised bed for a Brooklyn patio
design - Miles, construction - Miles and Lis

Miles is a very talented carpenter. When they offered to socially-distance build a garden bed for me last summer, i was so happy. Being in the city, i’ve lost some serious touch with nature and gardening is something i have missed incredibly.
Miles listened to my needs and even provided a bunch of resources and helpful advice for continued care. I love my garden bed so much - it’s provided me with some serious tranquility this year and has given me something to tend during quarantine. I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with them.

A set of six modular, small raised beds in a Brooklyn side yard.

The Red Zine is a script-generated zine of text from Bible Gateway a prominent biblical text and commentary website. The zine provides a shortened version of the Bible found on that site, presenting only Jesus's own words - the 'red letters'. The initial version contains only the canonical New Testament - future versions will include sayings of Jesus from non-canonical and apocryphal Gospels, including the Gospel of Thomas.
For the moment, the reader will have to construct this zine for themselves. Simply save the following code to a local python file, replace the FILEPATH variable with the filepath of the file you wish to save the zine to, and execute the command 'python' in the terminal. In a few minutes, a freshly-baked zine will output to the file you specified.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import re
url = ''
version = '&version=NIV'
books = [ ("Matthew", 1), ("Mark", 16), ("Luke", 24), ("John", 21), ("Acts", 28), ("Romans", 16), ("1 Corinthians", 16), ("2 Corinthians", 13),
("Galatians",6) ,("Ephesians", 6) ,("Philippians", 4) ,("Colossians", 4) ,
("1 Thessalonians", 5), ("2 Thessalonians", 3) ,("1 Timothy",6) ,("2 Timothy", 4),
("Titus", 3) ,("Philemon", 1) ,("Hebrews", 13), ("James", 5) ,
("1 Peter", 5) ,("2 Peter", 3) ,("1 John", 5) ,("2 John", 1) ,("3 John", 1) ,
("Jude", 1) ,("Revelation", 22) ]
redletters = []
for (name, chapters) in books:
if (books.index((name, chapters)) < 4):
redletters.append("\n\nThe Gospel According to " + name + '\n\n')
redletters.append("\n\nThe Book of " + name + '\n\n')
for chap in range(1, chapters+1):
req = requests.get(url+name+'+'+str(chap)+version)
site = req.content
soup = BeautifulSoup(site, "lxml")
letters = soup.find_all("span", class_="woj")
if (len(letters) > 0):
redletters.append('Chapter ' + str(chap) + '\n')
for i in letters:
j = re.sub('(?<=<).*?(?=>)', '', str(i))
j = re.sub('>[0-9]+', '', str(j))
j = re.sub('>', '', str(j))
j = re.sub('<', '', str(j))
j = re.sub('\n', '', str(j))
j = re.sub('\[.*\]', '', str(j))
j += '\n'
with open('FILEPATH', 'a') as f:
for line in redletters:
f.write(line )